Thursday, March 4, 2010

Random Acts

Ok so everytime I have gone to get my treatments I have seen many others enduring the same fate. Many, not all, of them appear to be sad (or maybe just sick). I have a new plan for next week for these folks. My middle school kids and I are going to make them a little present. Nothing lavish or costly but something that comes from the heart to hopefully brighten their days. We are going to make the paper roses with a hershey kiss in them and attach a little card with one of my favorite quotes by Mauhammad Ali "Don't count the days, make the days count." My hope and goal in this is to obviously bring a smile or hope to some of these other people that for whatever reason have lost that. The other goal is work oriented, sorry. I want these teenagers that I see daily to feel empathy for others, care about someone they don't know, and know how it feels to do a random act of kindness. I hope that each time I go and have treatment that they will help me to bring something to those their to lift their spirits. When you have cancer their is no better medicine in the world than a smile, so my goal is bring at least one to everyone in that room. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them...

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