Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Trip of a Lifetime Part 2

So the day finally arrived and I was ready for this adventure. I was nervous, excited, and everything in between.
The flight was long. I am pretty sure we were on airplanes for about 14 hours. We finally arrived in Athens around 1:00 in the afternoon. I was surprised when I landed because my first impression was....it looks like the desert town I live in. I was wrong, that was just around the airport. We waited for a little while at the airport for our tour group to arrive. We had a group and off we went to the buses.
Our hotel was just outside of Athens, and it did not disappoint with the view! We walked in to a tiny European bathroom and small room that had an amazing view! I looked at the sea everyday as I woke up and went to bed. Water calms me and so this was an added bonus.  We made our way the next morning down to the beach for a nice run down the coast line. It was beautiful weather and worth getting up early to go.
We went to the Acropolis....wow! I was really speechless (which is difficult to do). We walked through the ancient ruins and listened to our knowledgeable tour guide share the history of this amazing place. The Acropolis is crazy, it is a 2500 year old ruin surrounded by the 4.5 million ppl that live in Athens. I felt on this day that I was a part of history. In all the history that was shared there was so much fighting and big shocker it was about money and power. Isn't it funny that in 3000 years we have not  changed! I thought about how many storms that building saw, how many wars, how much creativity and worship, and how many difficult times in history that it faced. It is still standing, not all in one pretty little piece but it is there. It is a reminder of the journey that has happened. If only we were all so lucky to leave a little mark on the world. I wondered if they ever even imagined that their work would effect, inspire, and move people all these years later. I left wanting to write, draw, paint, and create something (unfortunately none are my forte but hey I was inspired!).

Then we went to the Temple of Poseidon. It was amazing as well! We got to drive down the coastline which for me is always a treat. It was equally as wonderful to touch the structure that is older than I can imagine. Lord Byron even stopped by many years ago and carved his name into the columns with many other names and old dates. It was beautiful too. The structure is on the top of a point with nothing but the most beautiful sea views I have EVER seen. The water was so clear that you could see rocks on the bottom pretty far out. Again I tried to imagine the people that created this temple and looked out into the most perfect day at sea. It was so calm yet this structure is weathered and tattered. We can only imagine the storms it has seen. Much like us in our own lives, it stands through the good days like this and weathers the  storms that come its way. I felt happy and peaceful upon this rock looking out remembering all the storms that I have faced. I am here too just as this structure. I may not be in perfect condition but I am here. I have stood through the storms and reveled in the beautiful days that have come my way too.  Then we headed down the road to a cute cafe for lunch enjoying this beautiful day and view!

Then there was the whole reason I went on this trip...the marathon!! What an experience in itself that was. First off I believe there were more people at the start line of this race than lived in my little old hometown in Missouri! It was crazy insane for me to see that many people. I was feeling very overwhelmed when I got off the bus at the start line and thank goodness my two new friends stayed with me the whole time!! I also met and took a pic with batman (who came from Mexico to run this race).  I took a picture next the Olympic flame that was lit at the top of some stairs! It was really surreal. They started the race with fireworks, confetti, and warmed up with some Greek folk dancing. It was amazing, and so amazing I was like...do i really want to run now!? LOL The race started and I decided to try out Jeff Galloway's run/walk/run plan so I could take pictures and enjoy this journey. It too did not disappoint. It conserved my energy surprisingly and I felt great the whole race. Now...I say that BUT.....the race was NOT easy! Not even a little. I would say pretty much the first 20 miles were a gradual but rolling UPHILL. Yes I said 20 miles. I am not even kidding. It had breaks that were just enough to trick you into thinking that it would get easier but nope the gradual uphill path did finally make me question my sanity (numerous times)! However, just as I have done in life I pushed through. The entire race was filled with people on the streets (literally the whole race had people outside clapping and yelling bravo). They were awesome and gave out many high fives. There were bands, drums, and dj's playing all types of music that of course I danced to as I ran through. Mile 20 provided the relief I had been looking for and downhill it was from there. My speed picked up and my heart grew happy. Very near the end I started thinking about my life over the last few years and realized that this race was my life! 20 miles of tough uphill work, mile 20 relief  (i win this trip), and then things get a bit easier (still have to work hard, but def easier). I entered the stadium. The stadium that housed the very first Olympics! The stadium that many amazing athletes have been honored in and I crossed the line, looked up and pointed up to the sky, and then thanked those angels that had been with me on my journey and I cried. I have never cried but the hard work it took to get to this finish line (my life at that point) was so overwhelming that I couldn't help it. I was so thankful, happy, and overwhelmed with amazement. Then I hear.... HOLLY....my husband, my best friend in the world, waves to me and it was then that I knew I was going to be ok. Life as I knew it changed. Peace finally was with me. The ghosts and difficulties of the past were gone and I was nothing but happy! We finished off the race with the most amazing soak in the salty Aegean Sea (best part of the day by far)!!

We spent several more days shopping, eating the wonderful food, and seeing the sights. We even had the last day on an island cruise. It was my favorite place in Greece by far. I am not much of a big city girl liking 4.5 million people, but the islands....oh yes I can do that! They were beautiful beyond words and looked exactly as I had expected.....gorgeous!! We walked around and took 25 pictures of cool doors and architecture. Wonderful trip and made it very difficult to leave. The cruise also had great dancing and music to entertain us on the 3 hour journey home.
This really was one of my most memorable moments and I can't believe still that it happened to me. It did though and I thank God daily that I was able to live out a dream and check off my bucket list. I am forever grateful for the friends I made, the sights I saw, and the lessons I learned about myself. I feel different after returning from this trip. I feel that good things are coming my way and just as I did in this race I will keep moving forward to the finish line of this chapter and I will celebrate and move on to the next chapter of my life.
Sorry for the long post but I really could go on forever. If you are ever up for a 400+ slide show of pics you let me know!!
Thank you to all of you out there that cheered us on and supported this journey. I hope you realize that you made a difference in my life! Love and hugs!!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Trip of a LIfetime Part 1

Well I just returned from Athens, Greece yesterday from the most memorable trip. It feels as if it was a dream and I just woke up to tell you the story, but it was REAL!!! Let me start by giving you a little background if you do not all ready know (if you do know...feel free to skip this part)

If you look back a year ago on this blog I wrote a few posts about checking off bucket list items
First Marathon(Bucket List check off)
checking off the bucket list
I ran my first marathon post cancer to check off some items off a bucket list of things. It was amazing as you can see. Well what didn't get into this post is that I went to the marathon expo. Now really this is not that big of a deal and that is why I did not put it in the post....boy was I wrong!!! I strolled through the expo getting samples of gu, new shirts, trying on the latest and greatest shoes and then I noticed that in the corner was a famous marathoner, Jeff Galloway, and always up to meet an inspirational person I went over to the corner. He was visiting with another expo participant about marathoning and I waited and waited just to say hello. As I waited upon the table there were sign up forms for a FREE TRIP TO RUN THE ATHENS MARATHON. I stood there waiting and remember thinking...Yeah ok that sounds awesome and going to Greece, Wow, soooo I put my name on the paper, literally NEVER to think of it again. I said hello to Jeff and went on my merry way! This was October 2012!!!! (that is me in the middle by the way)

July ish 2013 my phone rings, messages left, and several emails received.....LIFE CHANGED THAT MOMENT!!! Mr Jeff Galloway's office was calling me to inform me that I, little old Holly, had been drawn out of the millions of entries over the last year and HAD WON THE TRIP TO ATHENS TO RUN THE ORIGINAL MARATHON COURSE! After weeks of believing it was a scam I finally realized that this was no scam it was actually coming true! Amazed, blessed, and completely dumbfounded I accepted this opportunity of a  lifetime and was on the road to Athens.
Now let me give you a "quick version" of the back story prior to this trip.....I had cancer (obviously hence the name of the blog).   Then within a two year period life really got difficult. My husband lost his very very good job in a mass layoff of workers 2 weeks after I had quit my job to live a dream and be a stay home mom and run the charity. Then, my dear sweet wonderful grandma passed away and became my first angel. The friends came next. Within a week of this another dear old friend lost her battle with cancer of all things. A few more friends lost their battles months after that to the stupid beast cancer. At this point I was feeling very close to rock bottom of emotions. I felt like I was continually getting kicked in the face as I laid their on the ground crying. Then, then final straw came along. Only 6 months after losing my first grandmother, my last grandparent remaining here on earth and one of my best friends at the time left me as well. My other grandma who I had just had a glass of wine with two days prior left too. I was done. I hit the bottom of the hole. I checked out of life to live in a very sad place for a while. Luckily the sad eventually lifted, but only after a long road of soul searching and running! Running became my ONLY thing that I had control over. There was so much taken that I felt I had nothing left. My never ending faith and my family/friends is the only reason I am through this mess today.
Needless to say winning something, being GIVEN something, just felt like a welcomed change! I was excited and ready for adventure. Then reality tried to kick back in as this was only a trip for 1!!! With some encouragement and support from my great friends I decided to spend the next few months doing ANY odd jobs and asking for help to live this dream. It was a tough road trying to raise the extra money to bring my BEST friend, my husband, but I did it! We got all things in order and prepared for a life changing experience......and it did not disappoint! This trip changed my entire life!!!

Trip of a lifetime to be continued.......