Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Well I did it. I am finally a marathoner! I have been working on the Triathlon and Marathon training for such a long time that to finally have completed them both is really quite surreal. I figured it would be fitting to give you a recap of the race.....

Pre Race- 6AM
Whooohoo! So excited, nervous, feeling like I was going to vomit....It was so great to hop on the train to join the other 10,000 people that ran the marathon and half marathon. There were people everywhere, music playing, people stretching, lines half mile long to use one of the 500 porta potties. I was a nervous ball of energy. You could not help but smile with the thousands of people awaiting their start.

Race time- 7AM
Oh yeah here we go....waited about 15 minutes to get our corral of people over to the start line to ultimately run for the next 4 1/2 hours or more. I was a bit freaked out I have to admit because I don't really like doing ANYTHING FOR OVER 4 HOURS!!!! Yikes but here goes nothing and was off with the gun!

Miles 0-4
Wow...bands on every corner with loud fun music playing everywhere. The streets were filled with people cheering and holding up signs for their loved ones. We were flying through the crowd of people passing and weaving our way through the crowd. Looking for the pace setter for 4:25 time....where are they??? I am smiling and cheering for every band as we run by.

Miles 5-10
Still flying through the crowd and enjoying the scenery of Portland. Found the pace setter and PASSED HER! Oh yeah this is going great!!! Smile is so big right now!

Miles 11-13
Ok I am honestly feeling a bit fatigued now at this point. I chalk it up to nerves and my brain trying to tell me to stop. I decide to cut pace just a bit. My friends are still within sight but I am gonna slow down to save a bit of energy. I watched the half marathoners split off and remember the girl at the train stop telling me about her first race and how jealous she was of them being finished when she still had half a race to go. Damn that smart girl....I too think the same exact thing as they break off from us. I laugh and keep moving...

Miles 14-16.5
OK feeling a bit tired but stopping a water stations. The crowd dies down a bit here but band plays somewhere in there. Smiling a little less right now but keep going.

Miles 16.5-18
HOLY HELL....OK so this is the kicker where we had to run up some ridiculous incline to get to the St. Johns bridge. Yikes...this my friends is where I begin my self doubting...oh no I can't do this, I don't want to do this, I hate my friends, and many more things are running through my mind. I miraculously make it up this hill to cross the longest bridge on the planet (well it sure felt like it). as I get about halfway I see a photographer I make sure to put my happy smile on and give him a thumbs up (don't want people to think this is hard or anything).

Miles 18-23
WORST TIME of my life! This is the most difficult time of the race. I decide during this time that I need to stop and walk for no more than 30 seconds and then not again for at least a mile (which all but 2 times coordinated with a water station). So that my friends is how I made it through those miles. At one point somewhere around 21 miles I thought about quitting....I actually thought in my head that I can not take another step and I will just quit right now. I then think and glance back at the bridge behind me and think of the 21 miles I have already done and how stupid it would be if I quit so close to the finish line (I mean what would my facebook friends think???). My knees are shaking with every step, my calves are cramping, and my head is completely done. I think of my kids, husband, and family at home that was texting me along my whole race. I think of my lost loved ones. I think of my tattoo conveniently located on my foot saying "keep moving forward". To my huge surprise my feet kept taking one step in front of the other. My brain tried so hard to fight me and make me quit. I kept focusing on one step at a time and sure enough finally made it to mile 24 sign. NO smiles at this section!!

Miles 24-26
At this point I was given some kind of weird burst of energy...I realized that I was 2 miles from my medal, bragging rights, and free t shirt to wear everywhere! I did not stop again after the water station until I crossed the finish line. The crowds got bigger, bands got louder, and I look at the ground and saw a chalk sign in front of me that said FREE BEER AHEAD....I ran faster! At mile 24.5 I sipped my free beer at the "beer station". It was the best tasting thing I have ever had! I pushed as hard as could through the last 2 miles to finally see what I have been dreaming of for 6 months...MILE 26!

Mile 26
After seeing this sign I get the most amazing feeling coming over me. I am proud, exhausted, and so happy. Then I realize a marathon is actually 26.2 miles...OK great .2 wont be that bad right??? .2 was crazy....I knew through every corner and twist and turn through the city that I would see the finish line somewhere.... maybe??? I pushed harder and finally I rounded a corner and there it was....the finish line!!

The finish line
BEST PLACE ON EARTH!!! Food, pictures, and excitement fill the finishers area. I am feeling a bit like I am drunk and stumbling through people handing me gifts and telling me great job. It was pretty FREAKING AWESOME! I collect my things, eat some food, and find my friends. I can barely walk but make it to the train to shower and drive home! BEST TIME of my LIFE!


1. Quitting is something your head will always tell you to do when things get hard...even if you barely move...KEEP MOVING FORWARD and NEVER STOP!

2. We are capable of way more than we think we are. If you think you can do it....GO FOR IT!!

3. Marathons are awful, wonderful, difficult, and TOTALLY worth it....just like life is!

4. It was truly the most difficult physical thing I have done so far but I CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN!!!

5. Having your family in your heart will take you further than anything else so make sure to appreciate how wonderful they are!!!

Here we are at the end!!!! ( I am the one in the middle kinda looking like I may vomit on someone!!!)