Monday, May 31, 2010

Beautiful life

Great quote for today....
The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.
Frank Lloyd Wright

I like this quote today. Just finished a very great but busy and almost unrelaxing weekend. We had some great family get togethers in the evenings, my husband put together a two hour shed for three days at his parents house, and I organized a few closets (didn't realize we had so much stuff). Now hopefully a nice garage sale will get it all out of here. And then just like a flash....the long 4 day weekend (for us) was gone. Now back to close up shop at work for the next two weeks and till August.

I have been trying to run more and more and now my 2 mile run has become the standard. I feel good about it, but still wish I could push a bit harder...all in good time I guess. I also just received from the local cancer center a membership to the WELL-FIT program. The local gym partnered with them to offer a group personal trainer sessions for 2 days a week for a 10 week program. Then the rest of the week you can use the facilities which include a pool and babysitting....not bad for a FREE service to patients. If I show up and do well they will extend it for another 10 week session! A trainer is just what I need to get myself back into shape after this little war that has been going on inside. Starts next Tuesday and I am very excited!

I see the doctor this week too...been a while since we talked. I will find out the next steps I guess. I hope that includes....NOTHING! :) I am trying to plan a surprise for the staff at the cancer center for my last day of chemo party! We will see how fast my brain allows me to do it! The staff there are ALL so awesome. I have yet to meet one who even seemed to have a bad day! When you are in this type of a situation having people like that is soooo important and for that I am very thankful.

Last but certainly not least, I talked with a wonderful local photographer and friend last week. She is going to help me by taking a "Bald Woman" photo shoot. I am nervous to bear the bald for the world to see, but I think it will be freeing too. My hope is that next year when I am complaining about my hair I can pull the pics out and realize where I have come from. The other goal behind this is to use them next year with the middle school girls to talk about self esteem and not being a follower. I hope it provides some power to them and I hope to change some ways of thinking......we will see!

My pink toilet is painted and almost ready to go. I got the wonderful idea to flush out cancer with the toilet from a friend in Missouri. She is doing this and is cool with me copying her wonderful idea. I would like to raise some money for some local people that need help. More info to come. (Any advice on starting a 501 C3 would be accepted right about now too!

Oh yeah....can't wait till Dec 14th...going to the Carrie Underwood concert with my 3 favorite women on the planet!

Challenge of the day....Everyone that reads this today....Help someone randomly today and then tell them to do the same. Let's see how many good things can happen to people today...who knows maybe it will come around to you when you need it most. Have a wonderful day...hope the sun is shining where you are, even if it's raining.

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