Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Quote of the Day
Life is half spent before we know what it is.
George Herbert

Not here....Lucky me gets to know what it's about a bit earlier than halfway. I am not going anywhere at 60!!!!! I will be like 90 at least! :)

I heard two stories in the last two days that really shook me. The both had to do with cancer in the brain, both were spread there by another cancer, and both came on very quick. It definitely makes this disease more real to me. When you are fighting this thing you keep your eye on the end. I had so much focus on the "end of chemo" and now the "end of radiation" (which is Aug 17th if you haven't heard)! When you do that, your focus goes there, your anger, your hope, and even your happiness...everything focused on that day. Then the day comes and goes and you begin to think and see and hear about what you have just done. This stupid disease takes lives and it could've taken mine. That is alot to process. I am still here and obviously I have much more work left to do. I have to remind myself more often right now not to focus on that negative side. I will tell you even for Ms. Positivity here that is hard. When you have something that threatens your life it is hard not to think about it. The fact that they can't even tell me 100% that I am done dealing with this (for the rest of my life) is even less comfortable. Doing with style once is one thing...more than once...I am not going to find out.
OK I think I have got all my negativity out for the day...sorry. My heart and prayers go out to each of those families and I hope that a miracle comes their way! (Never know..seen a few in 30 years)
No matter if you are fighting for your life, living your life, or anything in between just remember what it is that is important to you and surround yourself with it.

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