Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is one of the greatest children's books. Those are the only books I read at the moment, so now you know the competition is narrowed a bit. I picked up this book the other day because I love the story. I looked at it from a different perspective today.
The story is about a tree (the parent) and the boy. It shows the full circle of life that we go through in the parent/child relationship. Parents give so much to their children and ask for nothing except happiness in return. We sacrifice, we do without so they can have, and we would give every single thing we have to see them happy.

As a parent myself, I can fully relate to these and don't look forward to the day when my little loved ones grow up and leave me. I also see and appreciate what my parents have done for me. They did everything in this book too. They have seen my poor decisions, my triumphs, and my long periods of being gone. They sacrificed so I could have and they did without so I could have more. I know they would do it again in second too. I would.

What kind of world do you think this would be if we ALL gave more than we took? When I started this blog I was a social services industry worker trying to save the world one child at time. When I got cancer, this huge group of people rallied around me and decided they would carry me through this disease. I was unable to give, but still tried. They didn't care. They did it out love for my family. They changed the course of my life. I learned a lesson in receiving. It felt as if I was being handed strength each time someone did something for me. I got stronger and stronger until there was no way this disease or any for that matter could bring down my spirit. That attitude I had was fed by the giving of others. I know there are others out there suffering through this same fate. My mission is to feed them the strength they need to fight. You don't choose cancer it chooses you! What if we all thought about what WE would want for ourselves and loved ones if this happened??? Would you change anything that you are doing now?

There are many times when I am close to giving up trying to change the community or even world for that matter. Then, someone feeds me the strength I need to keep this going. Thank you to all of those who have responded and forwarded my email to everyone you know. I am so thankful and believe it or not have had some response. It really shows me that WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. Sometimes we just have to do it one person at a time. To see some of these things happening right in front of me....for someone who has so many words about things, I have none.

Parents everywhere today..... I thank you. I thank you for those unthanked days that you gave more than you had to see your child smile. To my own parents: Thank you will never cover what you have done to help me to be happy. With lots of love today I wish all the parents reading a HUGE THANKS!!! Pass on the thanks today! :) check out this book too if you haven't!

By the way, I received the best compliment I have ever received the other day. I was told that I was alot like my grandfather. This brought tears and pride when I read this. My grandfather passed away about a year and half ago, but that is not the reason for the tears. He was a wonderful man and I have actually spoke of him in another post (check like May??). His life was so full. He was full of life, love, and certainly happiness. He gave to his family just as the tree in the book. He gave right up until the day he passed. On his last day he gave me a gift and he received one too. He gave me a lasting memory that will never be erased. He didn't speak but listened for eight hours as dozens of people shared the stories of his life and the impact he had on them. He received his gift hours before he left this world. My gift was to see that we can make an impact while we are here not just the day that we leave. We just need to share with each other the impacts they have made. Wether it is a teacher, parent, family member, friend, or whomever give them the ultimate gift...knowledge that they have changed your life!

You have all changed mine! Thank you for reading, supporting FBW, and helping to bring change to the world. You have impacted my life and given me more reasons to give!!!! Have a wonderful day!! :)

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