Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Change the world

Today is like any other day. I get up before the sun, make lunches, make breakfast, make sure everyone knows what is happening for the day, make sure everyone has the correct items for school, and make the house look like a house (even if it's for a moment). I do this everyday and hope I can squeeze a few moments in for that big new year's resolution....marathon training.
At times I think I am crazy and I tend to take on too many projects, but I am just like every other mother in this world. I over commit, have too many unpaid jobs, and never enough time. I am just a mom, wife, and person trying to make others lives better! That is what we do as moms.
I have been thinking alot about a very large scale community project. This will take more time than I have to give and definitely more resources than I have. I decided to trust in a little luck, lot of hard work, and faith in good people. I am shocked that in less than one day the response is more than I expected. I usually have huge expectations of people. I feel like all people should care about others in need and all people should want to help others (because what if that was them in the situation??). The sad but true reality is that all people do not want to help. It could be for good or bad reasons, but all people are not going to see the huge need of things. This makes me disheartened at times, but in the last few days I have decided to take my own advice (I know, I know, but why is that so hard???) If I can change it then I will change it, and if not...well try something else. We can't expect to see a change if we ourselves don't make one.
I am in a new year and will have a new attitude. I can't change every single person in the world's opinion at the same time. I will, however, try one person at a time to make a change. No major changes have ever occurred in one day, have they??? When I was young my mom and dad told me that I could do anything I wanted if I put my mind to it. I used to think that was just something that parents said to try and get the best performance out of their children. I know now that I can. I have done things that I didn't believe I could do. I have changed a few attitudes that I did not think could change. I know that with the right attitude....well lets just say crazier things have happened. There are others that feel the same way. I know this because I have talked to a few of them. Now the key is to get all of these people together and we can make a difference in this world one person at a time!
I believe I can change the world. Do you???

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