Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend winners

Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is.
Vince Lombardi

Well I must be wanting to win pretty bad these days because I just can't stop winning! First I won the "Day of Beauty" prize from the Cancer Center's breakfast, then we won at Bingo night (well my daughter did), then we won $10 on a scratch ticket (well my husband did), and then to top it all off I won the bid on the silent auction prize I really wanted. I won a private plane ride over the city with 2 other people. Awesome huh....I could have bid on the great baskets and stuff, but this is memories we are talking about here!

The In Step with Hope Tea was Saturday. I was one of their speakers. It was such a wonderful event. It had an amazing breakfast, mimosas, silent auction, and fashion show. Oh yeah and a great speaker...ME! (Just kidding) I decided at this event I would give myself another challenge. I keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone just to see what happens. I know, I am kind of insane. I guess I feel like I can do anything these days and I just want to keep testing out that theory. At the very first event I sang my version of "I will survive". This event however, I decided that I would push the envelope again and sing. I sang one of the most meaningful songs for my life at this time. It is a Sugarland song that talks about Standing back up. I love to sing, but in public is a whole new ball game. I finished my mimosas and just got up and did it! There was certainly fear in my voice but my hope is that people saw past that and listened to my words. Each and every one of them rang so true for me. No matter what knocks us down we have to just stand back up! After the singing part, the rest was easy! I even received a standing ovation??Crazy huh, never had that before. (maybe I should add it to my bucket list and then just check it off!) :)

I have one more speaking event this Wednesday for the Relay for Life kick off. I am excited to keep doing all of these great events. It really is fun! I guess I am just loving the spotlight! :) Now if only my national speaking career (yes career means paid :) not just for fun) would only take off. Maybe that is how I will travel the world and see all these places on my bucket list!

Friends of the Bald Woman is rolling along nicely. We have a yard sale coming up this weekend. I am hopeful that it will be a success. We are also having PINKTOBER FEST, a big Halloween costume party, to raise funds for us too! Our wristbands are on the way and the rest is falling into line quite nicely!

I have so much to be thankful for each and every day! I am so thankful that everything just seems to fall into place! Time will tell the directions we will go, but I am certain that I will enjoy the ride along the way!


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