Monday, December 31, 2012

Roll in the New Year

Many of you know that this year so far in my 33 years has been the worst year of my life. I have attended about 5 funerals, been one of the millions of people effected by the unemployment and layoffs the whole year, and seen things with these eyes that nobody should ever see. I have not been the same this year and I am sorry for the lack of pep in my step. I have said many times a cheerleader occasionally needs a cheerleader....and I had them! As I wrap my head around how to sum up this year of my life I would like to say it was all horrible and worst year ever, BUT I really can't. This year I made new friends, achieved goals once thought impossible, my kids achieved their goals, my husband gained appreciations he never thought possible, and was given numerous signs from those lost that they were still right here with me smiling. I could never call that a bad year.

If anyone has read the post My Big Race ( it really mirrored my life this year. I decided at the end of last year to do a triathlon this summer and at some point after this goal was achieved I thought, "hey why not check off marathon off that bucket list too". So I did that too. After reading my recap of this race I really feel it mirrored my life this year. Literally so check it out if you want. Who would have thought running, my only sanity, would have become so important in my life. Its hard, I have wanted to quit a billion times and then I think about me a year ago.... You can only gain your strength from struggles! This my friends is 100% me! Everything I have had happen to me up to this moment has strengthened me for this most recent challenging year. If I had not gone through the other trials of my life I may not have been able to take this year. You cannot go out and just run a marathon one day with never having run a day in your life....this year was hard just as my marathon was hard. It was filled with challenges and chances to quit. I didn't then and I won't now. Checking that marathon off the bucket list was great but it really prepared me for my biggest race...LIFE 2012!

This year I received 2 random acts of kindness (google the Christmas jar to read about one of them). I have been in dark days since the latest loss of my grandma, but these random acts reminded me that I was loved. It felt like my loved ones were reminding me of their love for me and those people that did those things for my family really truly gave me the greatest spirit restored. I had a wonderful few days of happiness and all my cares literally went away for a few days. Those people will never truly know how they changed my life, my year even! thank you just doesn't seem to cut it, but thanks are very much in order.  I struggled this year, yes, but I really had a better time than I thought . I looked back last week at over 1000 pictures on my phone of this year and could not believe how many wonderful memories I created and forgot about. We often only focus on our struggle but fail to see the strength we gained and the beauty that comes out only after something difficult! What a year!!!

  I have seen angels walk this earth everyday reminding us that it is going to be OK! You could be one for someone and not even know it so treat people everyday like you can change their lives! :)

Gotta do a traditional HOLLY top 10 list.....

Top Ten Most Inspirational Song Lyrics for me this year:

1. "I will stand back up, you'll know just the moment when I've had enough" -best Sugarland song to show you to never give up no matter how bad life knocks you down  :)

2. "You're gonna miss this" -Trace Adkins (best song for remembering how fast life really goes)

3. "I've got my toes in the water, *** in the sand" -Zac Brown Band (love this for remembering you can be happy no matter where you are!!)

4. "It's a great day to be alive" - Travis Tritt ( need i say more....we all need a little reminder to appreciate things some days!)

5. "Livc like you were dying"- Tim McGraw ( absolute favorite Timmy song to keep me focused on what is important in life)

6. "She was something, but....This ain't nothing" Craig Morgan (love this song when I want to remember that this mess will pass)

7. "If you ain't got nothing you got nothing to hold you back"- Tim McGraw (song is called down to my last dollar and I love it I smile every time I hear it)

8. "Dedicate yourself and you'll find yourself standing in the hall of fame" -The Script/Will I.A.M (wow powerful song to inspire you to do anything you put your mind to- work hard and you will win)

9. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"-Kelly Clarkson (love this for some serious butt kicking motivation!!)

10. "If your going through hell keep on moving, don't slow down if your scared don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows your there!" - Rodney Atkins (freaking best song to listen to when you are down!)

Happy New Year everyone and make 2013 the best year yet! I sure will :)

Oh yes my new years resolutions just to put them out there for all to keep me accountable to.....

1. Compete in an Olympic Triathlon
2. Qualify for the Boston Marathon
3. Start a jar that each time something good happens in life write it on a note and put in the jar. on new years eve we will read how great our 2013 really was!!!

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