Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The BW Ball

It's a great day to be alive! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the stress is momentarily lifted. Yesterday, I went for my every 3 mo. check up. This is the day I get to go in give lots of blood and find out if I will have to climb that stupid cancer mountain again. Lucky for me, at this time, that will not be happening. I am still clear for 9 mo now! This is always an anxiety filled day or two. I really don't believe that I have cancer again, but until there is a doctor telling me that I tend to get nervous. It has not gotten any easier to do, but hey that is life. If it was easy, it wouldn't be a great story. Yesterday was filled with reflections of the journey that the last year has brought me. It was a long and unknown road but worth the ride for sure. I am much happier today than I ever anticipated being. I feel like I am finally headed on the right path.

Our first FBW event was a huge success in my book. The competitive natured person in me wanted more to have attended, but I am told for a first time under-publicized event.. it was awesome. I have some lessons learned for next year, but overall the event and fundraising exceeded my expectations! I have the most wonderful group of people behind this organization that don't always get the spotlight, but I am so thankful to have them and their support.

Now what....well don't worry I am not a sit down for long kind of gal. I have 3 projects waiting for me to begin tackling them. More info will come. We are still working on the calendar and that will be ready to go out by October. I am also in grant research mode for a very large scale idea. Then there is our next fundraiser...just wait till I announce this one. Gonna be different and lots of fun!!! Stay tuned.

Oh and don't worry all the fame from the TV and paper didn't go to my head. I am still the same person as I was before but now I can sign autographs :) Ha I love being semi-famous. Now, how to keep that going?????

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