Monday, May 9, 2011

Whose day is this????

There is nothing in the world that I love more than being a mother. It is the most wonderful crazy ride that I have ever been on. I love that we have a day to stop and think about our mom's and all they do for us. If you are married it's a day where your husband will make you remember that he did things for you for the rest of the year.

My day.....I wake up at 7:30 which is the latest I have slept in for like a year. I woke to my husband outside finishing the garage clean out and my son wide awake excitedly awaiting me to open his present. I opened the wonderful story, poem, and clay project that he worked so hard on. He then says to me, "This is the greatest thing I have ever made.....Did you know that your mom kept ALL of your projects from when you were little??" After he showed and explained all of the uses it brought and places it could go he took me over to a sign that he had made above the fireplace. "notice anything different over here....(pointing to the sign)?" It read on several sheets of paper ""

What a way to start the day right. I thought to myself at that moment, "this will be a great day"....ahh!

Then about 30 minutes later I hear the screams from my room....MMMMMOOOOOOOMMMMMM! My little diva is awake! I go in and she eagerly shouts..."happy mother's day" (This is the same thing she has said to me every day that she has woke up in the morning for a week. Each day I tell her...not today, a few more days)
Then she looks at me and says "It's mother's day. I am going on STAGE today!!!!!" "Uh no sorry dear that is Tuesday for the Mother's Day tea at school," I say.... Tears start to flow. "I wanna go on stage and sing today!"
"Oh I know honey a few more days"........Now I begin to wonder, "is this going to be a good day?"

The festivities included a great breakfast made by my husband, a nice 2.5 mile run on my treadmill, a clean garage, a HUGE temper tantrum (because she could not change clothes for the 3rd time into her Easter dress), and the dreaded trip to Wal-Mart for groceries!

Wal-mart was great. I listened to a mini fit about not being able to have popcorn chicken, new water shoes, and cheap check out isle crap. It was great. The best part of the trip was the in the makeup section. I was standing there waiting for my daughter to pick out a princess lip gloss and she laughed as I told her that I couldn't think of anything I would rather be doing than walking around W.M for mother's day. A woman was standing in the isles she just laughed as I said that to my daughter. She said the greatest thing to me though...."Your living it!" (Yes I am I thought and smiled)

After that comment, I felt great. I don't need the 'perfect' day. I had the perfect day!! I am living it each and every day that I am blessed to open my eyes! This is the greatest present that I will ever receive. I am allowed to be here to listen to all of these screams and the laughter.

The rest of the day was filled with them screaming at each other, tattling, hearing my husband tell the kids that it was MOM's day not theirs, and then finally sitting arms around each other with a movie. I even had a relaxing back massage from my 3 year old, but I had to keep carrying her around to get it! I took a deep breath and thought.....I AM LIVING IT!

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