Saturday, March 26, 2011


I heard a story about monkey's the other day that I would like to share with you today....

There were a group of monkeys that were being studied. They put a tall pole with bananas in the area with the monkeys. Each time that the monkeys tried to climb up and get the bananas they were blasted with water. They soon became conditioned to not try and climb the pole to get the bananas. Over time they left the pole alone completely.
Then a new twist. A new monkey was added and when he went to go climb the pole for the bananas the others in the group pulled him down each time and would not let him climb the pole. This monkey too eventually got to the point in which he did not even attempt to climb the pole. He was conditioned without even trying to climb it and learning the lesson himself.
Then one by one the conditioned monkeys who had climbed the pole were replaced with those who had never climbed the pole one at a time. The monkeys one by one repeated the same pattern of pulling the monkey who was trying to climb the pole down until the new monkey was also conditioned to leave the pole alone.
By the end of the study EVERY monkey in the place had never ACTUALLY climbed the pole and been sprayed with the water. The entire group of monkeys left the pole with bananas alone completely never having even attempted to get them!

The reason I share this story today is because a great person I know shared this story with me and said, "WAY TO GO AFTER THE BANANAS HOLLY". that made me cry!

In life we are conditioned on many things. Many of us don't ever attempt to try things simply because we don't think we can/should or have been told by others that we are crazy for trying this. I just put my notice into my job that pays me in order to dedicate more time to my children and a non-profit org that pays me nothing. I did this because I feel in my heart that it is the right thing to do and I see something that they obviously do not. There have been many people along the way that have tried to pull me down from going after that banana and they have even called me crazy. Maybe I am, but how many AMAZING THINGS in life have come from someone that was once called crazy?

My hope today is that everyone who reads this takes that chance themselves and tries to get the bananas. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something and if you get sprayed with water...try another way. Don't settle :)

Is it weird that I feel like eating a banana split right now??? Have a great day and reach for the bananas!

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