Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How Holly got her Groove back!

I know I have been in a funk lately and if you have tried to contact me I probably have been very flaky. I am not trying to be but life yet again has thrown some curve balls for me personally, BUT......I finally feel that life is going to pick back up for me and I am getting back into my groove for sure so...I decided today its time for a happy post....the last few have been very somber.

 I have had a very difficult month to say the least. My husband was laid off of his job 6 months ago and despite his thousands of attempts at employment he is still unemployed. Obviously this has been difficult on our family life but then again so was having cancer. I guess i need to give a big THANK YOU to cancer then for putting a little bump like this into perspective. Who would have thought I would be thanking cancer??? But like I always say..."Life has its ups and downs but how we choose to deal with them makes us who we are" and I my friends, know exactly who I am! I am thankful for each and every single day that I am able to be here to make a difference in the lives of my children and anyone else I am blessed to help. Nothing, not cancer, unemployment, or anything else will bring me down again (at least not for long).  

As if unemployment wasn't enough stress to deal with on top of the everyday life stresses, one day I  visit a friend that has cancer who had been battling hard and 4 days later she is gone. The next week was her funeral and just when I think I can't take any grandma takes a decline in health and the next day is gone. It has been difficult around here to say the least. Today though, instead of talking forever about these difficulties that I am facing, I am going to hopefully provide a few laughs to you instead.

When we think of spring break we think of the beach, umbrella drinks, and fun in the sun! Lucky for you I have an alternative if those things don't sound like fun to you......

Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Spring Break:

1. RAIN: It is spring folks....time for rain and growing things and you can't do that without rain. Why can't spring break be in like May???

2. BOREDOM: You know its not a good sign when on Day 1 you hear from your kids, "I'm board can someone come over or something"

3. SLEEPING IN:  Time to sleep in till at least 6:30am! That is my kids NOT me by the way. My day begins at no later than 5:15

4. UMBRELLA DRINKS and VACATION: Yes it is great to watch the facebook posts and pictures of everyone else on their vacations as I sit here with my Bud Light and Hawaiian Radio Station!! Look at all the money I am saving!!

5.  CATCHING UP: Look at all the time I have now for laundry, organizing, and budgeting....oh wait no I don't I have two kids who are board! I think I need a vacation after this "vacation" I am on right now!!

Have a great day everyone and know that we are stronger than we think we are! Time to get my groove back and have a relaxing spring break!!!

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