Friday, December 23, 2011


This link will take you to my very first post. What a trip down memory lane...I am just reading some of the posts from the beginning again and it is really surreal to read. It feels as if I am reading a book on someone else. I remember all of it but many things I forgot already.

Yesterday (sorry a day late) marks the day in which will forever stand out in my mind. There are only a few moments in my life thus far that I can actually say the ENTIRE course of my life was changed in that moment. This is certainly one of them!

I found out on Dec 22, 2009 that I was welcomed into the club of people that nobody wants to be a part of. What a winding up and down roller coaster of a marathon this last 2 years has been for me and my family. You can't help but be changed. I have significantly changed my "I am untouchable" attitude pre-cancer . My  family is different too. Here is the thing though, when you change you can embrace it or fight it! Having gone through many changes in my life so far, let me tell you fighting it is not worth the energy. I don't mean not to fight the stupid disease. I mean to take each thing coming at you and do your best to find something good out of it. ( Cancer sucks but there are good things about it too....don't believe me, Read the blog posts I made while IN treatment in 2010) They say that the only constant... is change!!!

Today I am sitting here with my hair back and my numerous scars healed and I can only think of one thing.....I AM STILL HERE! That to me is the greatest gift that I can be given.  I work everyday to make sure I am thankful for this gift and that each person around me knows how much they have made a difference in my life.In this holiday season I hope you all remember that life is a gift and you may not have it tomorrow. Would you act differently if you knew it was YOUR last day...what if you knew it was THEIR last day???? Have a wonderful holiday season because you are HERE to enjoy it!!

Just wanted to close up the post with another letter to cancer......

Dear Cancer,
It has been 2 years since you barged into my life.  Happy Anniversary.....You were a very unwelcome guest and still are in my life. You have taken things from me that I cannot get back. I HATE you for what you have done to my family, to me, and to everyone else whose life  you have taken from them way too early. I will not live in fear this year though. The last two years I have lived in the fears that you gave me when you came into my life. Today marks a change. Today is the first day of the new me that YOU created. Today marks the day in which you will no longer receive my fears or my worries.Today is the day YOU should begin to be afraid. I am stronger now than before you entered my life. I was always this strong though but having you come in my life showed me first hand just what I am capable of doing. I should thank you for that because now I know that I can do ANYTHING. I can battle any beast, I can deal with any situation, and I can overcome ANY fear life throws at me. That makes me more dangerous than you! I know you will continue to try and prey on the fears of everyone else but even though our fight may be over you should know that I am not going to let that happen. My mission for the next year is that I show all of those that you have pushed around that they are just like me. They have more strength than they  realize and together....well lets just say you should run now!!! I know that courage is not the absence of fear but just the ability to overcome it!!! Thank you for making me a courageous leader of this battle against you and know that without my fear you have nothing and I have everything. The fight I fight now is for ALL those lives cut short, all the families you have devastated, and those worlds turned upside down with fear. WE WILL FEAR NO MORE!! Happy 2 year anniversary!!!

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