Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What is Unsaid

What would you do differently if you knew your time with a loved one was limited?

It could be a mom, dad, child, spouse, or friend...anyone you care about. Would you be different to them if you knew your time was very short? Maybe you would turn off the TV and just talk for hours. Maybe hike to the top of a mountain and feel like the kings of the world. Or would you just sit and hold hands and talk of the great times that you have shared.....

Would your whole life be different if you always lived with that intention. The great song "Live like you were Dying" isn't that far off is it!? It hurts my heart to see the people left here on earth wishing they could have or would have done something. Here is your chance they are still here today so please go do it or say it! Memories are made with people and they stay with you long after that person is gone.

My point is simple today..... You may not be around tomorrow and neither may they, so don't put off what can be said today!

have a great day :)


  1. Well said! I am so grateful to have passed my eight year mark two days ago...October is an emotional month for me! Thanks for sharing your stories, my sister in pink.

  2. thank you sooo much for reading! congratulations on passing your 8 year WOW i can't wait to say that too :)
