Thursday, February 17, 2011


Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt

This quote could not be more fitting today (I ALWAYS SAY THAT DON'T I??) :)
I am finally ready to believe that GREAT things are going to happen and now it is time to sit back and watch because it is going to be a great show! This is true for cancer or anything else that you are facing. I have finally learned this lesson.

This time last year my chemo journey was about to begin....I sit here now and try to remember my thoughts and fears of what lie in front of me. It was unknown and the chapter of PRE CANCER HOLLY was over and a new one was about to begin. I NEVER in a million years would have expected it to turn out the way that it did (if you didn't read the journey...don't worry hopefully one day you will in book form) :)

I have learned so much in the last year since that day that I walked into the infusion room. I say it all the time but I will say it again...It is still one of the BEST things that has happened to me (so far...I have a lot of time left). This obviously is not THE best thing but it's up there. That is difficult for some to understand. My theory is, however, if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger! I am still here and better for it. I loved life before, but now I love it and I APPRECIATE IT!

I would never have told you then but chemo is hard! I did not think that while I was doing it but now...oh yeah it sucked. If you can control your mind and your outlook on EVERYTHING...well that is half the battle right there. The rest just falls into it's place. You see believe you can and your almost there!

Today I feel almost like I am in the same boat but a different river. I am closing the chapter called CANCER and moving on to the next titled....LIFE AFTER CANCER. I realize it has been 6 months now but I think your brain needs time to catch up with what has just happened to you. Mine now has (thank goodness..i was worried for a while I would never be normal again) Normal....funny word....Normal is what I make it right? I am ready to move to the next chapter of life and scared in the same way of the unknown but am soooo excited to enjoy the ride this time! If my posts have been more reflective lately that is probably why. I have spent that last 6 months processing what happened the entire year before! Strange, but true!

Whatever it is that you want to do in life, write, sing, teach, or help the world....BELIEVE YOU CAN!

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