Monday, July 26, 2010


On this blog I get daily quotes and the ones I like the most end up on facebook and here. Yesterday's was this.....

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.
William Penn

Oh time... How I wish it could just hurry up sometimes. The whole time I am wishing it away I am wasting it.....Time is funny little thing isn't it. It's like everything else we have in our lives is held on to, let go, cursed, praised, kept, forgotten, and too often used poorly. Why are we never satisfied? Watch the movie "Click" for a great example of this. We could have all the time in the world and wish it would "hurry up". How many times have you hurried time with your young children only to wish it would slow down when they are older. Being in the current moment of time is difficult. If we were more content with what we have maybe we could live in the moment more. I have a hard time with this too believe me.

Try this...for one day be totally satisfied with EVERYTHING...the amount of money, kind of house, the screams out of the working lungs of your children, the crappy cold coffee you are drinking, and the constant interruptions when you are trying to type really important information on your blog!!!!! (OK that one was mine) Toss away the watch and for one day do not worry about time. Eat when you are hungry not when it is "time", play, and be in the day and moment not the time. I have done this before (at first it was because of the chemo brain and I couldn't remember the day or time) but now it is fun. I can't live my whole life like that at this moment but sometimes for sure. Caution to you strict schedule followers....You will not like this but it is good for you....I promise!

Good luck and let me know how it goes! (Don't start making excuses for why you can't. If you are a person you can do this...It's ONE day out of your life. You can still do things that are mandatory on a schedule but challenge yourself to do the rest of the day!)

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