Anais Nin
Perception is everything isn't it?
Last night my 6 year old son attended a break dance workshop put on by the Massive Monkeez. They were on America's Best Dance Crew and are amazing break dancers. He has been out of break dance class for a few months for summer break. He went to the workshop excited and as soon as he arrived his tone changed. He got very nervous and quiet. Anyone that knows my son knows he is anything but quiet especially when it comes to dancing. When it was time to get up and go in there he said no. He said he didn't want to go. I told him it was time and helped slightly push him in the direction of the door where his teacher stood. His teacher greeted him and said come on. He turned his head and looked at my smile and went in. He took a 2 hour class with kids that were 13-19 years old. Just to remind you he is 6!!! He was intimidated at first but quickly perked up and tried every single thing they were teaching. He didn't get them all right, and some were really challenging for him. I never once saw him quit and never once saw him not try.
He made a choice right there as we all often do. He was afraid. He could have let that fear take over, but he didn't. I am so proud of him pushing through a fear and just doing it. How many times have we as adults chose to not do something based solely on fear? Fear can stop us from so many things in life. It could be fear of rejection, not being good enough, or fear of the unknown. So what to all those fears....what if we are rejected, what if we are not the best, what if we don't know what comes next? I learned a great lesson from my 6 year old last night. No matter what comes at you just keep moving forward. It is like the saying says, "We have nothing to fear except fear itself"
I read the tough guy poem yesterday morning to my son and explained how tough guys are in each of us when we need them. Last night after his workshop I asked him if the tough guy came out and with a big smile he said "I am the tough guy!"
Whatever you may be fearful of today weather it is cancer or a big test remember that we all have a tough guy within us. Have less fear and more faith!

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