Friday, July 2, 2010

The Hospital

In my great rush to post and get out the door I forgot one of the main highlights of our trip. We in this house believe that anytime we go on vacation we need to visit a hospital or ER. This vacation was no different than any others. The very first night after a long 6 hour drive we settled into our hotel. We swam in the pool because it was the first thing the kids saw when we arrived and we had a nice dinner. We walked and explored the town and the beach and life was good. Vacation was underway! Then after we all settled into our rooms and began to drift off into dreamland it started. The tears were flowing and the pain was high....I am not talking about one of the kids....IT WAS ME!!!! Water had been stuck in my ear and I couldn't get it out. I had been trying for hours. When it was time to lay down however there was the bulging pain coming out of my right ear. It was terrible. I muttled silently through till 2 AM. After not sleeping a minute I finally woke up my husband. I sat there in sooooo much pain and me being the prepared chemo-brained person had not one Tylenol to take! He so kindly went down to the front desk to ask about a walk in clinic(I knew what was wrong...ear infection. Just curious as to why I got one). They had no Tylenol so my wonderful husband drove to the nearest gas station and got me some at 2am! There was not only no walk in clinic near by but NOWHERE to go see a doctor for 30 miles. I medicated myself through the evening and half the next day but it wouldn't go away and we had 5 more days left. We drove the 30 miles and went to the hospital. They told me they would "fast track" me into a spot. It would literally take them 10 seconds to look in my ear. 3 HOURS later I was "fast tracked" into a room where the 10 seconds confirmed what I had said....EAR INFECTION. Now I am thinking I should go to med school with this great knowledge I have! We finally left to go to an 8:00 dinner and pick up my "NOT COVERED HERE" medicine. (Those who don't know this is not the first time this has happened to us!). We ended this fabulous day with a laugh that we visited yet another doctor while on vacation.......all in the day of the bald woman!

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