The Bald Woman woke up rather refreshed today. There was nobody in her bed, no elbows in the face, and she wasn't crammed as close to the edge as humanly possible. She knew then it was going to be a good day.....
She knew it would be good until... the great battle between the two short residents began. A battle it was too. They both decided that playing spies would be a good idea and it was too for a little while. Then just like any great movie the oldest one turned out to be a double agent and he quickly turned on his partner in crime. This only angered the smallest one and she was going to let him have it. Before pinching him to show her disapproval of his double crossing she let out the sound only dogs can hear. Well Bald Woman heard it too but that is because she has super frequency "mom" ears. It was so loud, so long, and so high pitched that even the dog went into the other room. I think she showed him....
Then a quick refuel with her coffee but today it was filled with those little black bits that make your stomach turn. Maybe a refuel with some juice instead this morning. Off to the next task, laundry. She wonders for a small family that seems to wear the same clothes each day they sure have a lot of laundry to do...never ending in fact. Oh well just keep moving she says. When you sit down here they find more things for you to do. She has learned this over and over.
The troops are hungry so the battle of breakfast begins again. This is a daily battle with the smallest child over weather cookies and ice cream are considered breakfast. Oh the tears were flowing like she lost her best friend. Finally a more appropriate choice was made and bald woman encountered yet another victory.
Then the streaking began. There is a small streaker running around the home and she rounds her up like cattle and moves to the next oh so fun task of getting dressed. Style is on the minds of these two up and coming super stars! With mismatched outfits in hand and weather outside not even being a factor the "trendsetters" get on their gear for the day. She allows them to win this battle because she knows there will be at least 2 or 3 "costume changes" throughout the day.
She goes a few more rounds with the small ones over very important topics such as....voice tone, telling the truth, what toys are used for and where they go vs. don't go, tattling vs. being helpful, how to treat an animal, what is Smart-Alick (which is better than yesterday's discussion of what is a smart a**), and many more hot topics! For a brief moment she notices the two sitting together under a shared blanket. They are laughing and making 'fart noises' at each other. The Bald Woman sits down (even with the dangers of having to do more work) and watches. She wipes a small tear from her eye and knows that she is lucky to be employed here at this place. She finally has the dream job that doesn't feel like a job! She realizes yet again on this day how lucky she really is and says thank you.......then in a blink of an eye she moves off to the crisis in the next room and begins utilizing her UN peacekeeping skills!
AHHHH, All in a mornings work!
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