Why does life always pass you by so quickly when you are filling it with things to do? We watched the season's last baseball game, went to a birthday party, and even a bit of yard work. It was a wonderful weekend. I went into a bit of a funk for a few days, but felt like a different person yesterday. I get these mood swings every now and then that last like a day or two. They are not fun. I feel as if everything in the world is wrong and turn into this negative person....The humorous thing about these is I can feel when I am doing it. I just can't stop doing it is the problem. I do think that laughter pulled me out of this one.
You see I have this crazy family...they are big, loud, and the most loving bunch of crazies I have ever met. Most people when they are having a bad day, like the one I was talking about, would like to just sit quietly and ride it out...right? No, not me I have the pep squad cheering me on like I am the losing football team. They call or send cards or just check in and let me vent every now and then. Some try to solve my "problem" (that is not really a problem just a case of bad attitude) some just listen and offer advice when I ask them.
BUT......there is one family member that knows how to cheer someone up! She came over to bring me a wonderful home cooked meal (that the restaurant was going to prepare for her). We talked for a few minutes checking in and she asks, "Hey did you go running today?"....."Why yes I did, this morning in fact I finally made 2 miles"......"Oh?? I thought I saw you a little while ago running."......"Nope, not me sorry. I ran this morning"......."Huh,She looked just like you, she was BLONDE, PONYTAILED....OOOO!" (slight pause).......
Then..... just laughter and talking about "cancer burn dude". It was pretty funny. I am so thankful that I don't get upset about this stuff. I think she just wanted to read about herself on my blog today...she likes attention! I am sure you have seen the comments we make back and forth on facebook too! Please don't worry the mean lady insulting the poor cancer victim will get her karma one day! On a serious note that stupid ponytail comment was the beginning of the lifting of the bad mood, so thank you for reminding me that I am bald and can't have a ponytail for a long while! :) It took some humor and some wine but by Saturday night I was fine! Others may wonder if I get offended.....NOT A CHANCE! I would be more offended if we stopped being mean to one another! We both know that we are too funny for our own good (me more so than her) and so we keep each other in check. (I love that right now I could write anything too without reading any comments!!)
All in all it was a great weekend full of laughs and fun. I am so lucky to have all of the wonderful people in my life that make it so much more manageable. A special thank you to my mom this week who, by the way, sits with me for over 2 hours EVERY WEEK. She has a full time job, she cleans her own house, cleans my house, sits with me a few hours each week, and makes us a dinner every other week. I am pretty sure that I don't tell her enough how much her being there means to me. This week we had to sit in radiology for almost 2 hours. She didn't complain one time....I did! My arm went numb while getting meds this week...had to go check and make sure there was no leak in the port. There isn't. Long wait to find out that the needle was probably just pushing on a nerve or something. By the time we returned there was no time to do the chemo cycle so I was lucky enough to get to come back the next day. It went well and I got to sit with a very positive co-worker who always lifts my spirits.
To all of you that continue to make a difference in my life or the lives of those around you, BIG HUGE THANKS! Thanks for the laughs too they were much needed!
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