Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ohhhhh, watching hair grow is about as fun as watching paint dry or grass grow! The stupid hair fell out on the 14th day and only took about one full week to be gone. Growing back....whole new story. Should have seen some more growth by now (in my opinion) but there are only a few new guests to that party!
Today I am going to be thankful because yesterday I was a bit grouchy. No reason just was...so to counteract that grumpiness I will list my things to be thankful for!

1. That I have a job that supports me through this whole journey. Even if it comes with middle schoolers with spring fever and eighth grade itus. They are just crazyville right now, but I know that no matter what they say they are glad to be there with us! Beats their alternatives....boredom, gang activities, or video games!!!

2. My children looking up to their parents still. They want to be like us so much right now that even all of the characteristics that drive us crazy they want to display. I have a mini attorney on my hands right now and an it's all about me diva rockstar!

3. My husband being such a great listener. He is the only one on this planet that does not treat me as if I am broken. He is the one who will not give me the pity even when I am saying that is what I want. This is something to be thankful for....when this whole thing started he asked what he could do for me to help. I told him...DO NOT PITY ME and DO NOT LET ME FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF...NO MATTER WHAT I SAY TO YOU! Why is this the one time he listens to me????? I should have asked for new shoes!

4. The beauty of the world around us. We live on such a wonderful planet with amazing beauty all around us. I am glad I take the time to notice this more and appreciate it! My goal is to see it all before my timer is up!

5. I am most thankful that I continue to be blessed each and everyday with many gifts of love and happiness!

There that should balance out that grouchy day from yesterday!!! I already feel better and the sun is shining..."It's a great day to be alive"

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