Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chapter change

It's always too early to quit.
Norman Vincent Peale

No folks, I did not quit writing. I have just been revolving around a 6 year old's basketball schedule. Not to mention heading to ballet lessons, work, cleaning, and attempting to start a gym routine (yes selfish me wants to get healthy). I have thought about quitting but really I just enjoy it and this newly discovered hobby is what keeps me sane. (Yes I am sane most of the time)

I am moving towards the great chapter change and constantly second guessing myself and my choices. I have "officially" decided that I am going to stay home with my kids. I have been longing for this day since my first child was born 6 1/2 years ago. I have never been in a position to do this. (and I may not be yet, but life is TOO short to wonder) I am phasing myself slowly out of my job so the kids I work with will have little impact. I am sad to see this chapter go but am dealing with my overwhelming feelings of needing this. I have been fighting this choice and reasoning why I should not go but I know first hand that our time is limited and we should enjoy and the will come. There will never be enough money, never be enough time, and never enough "stuff".

Don't worry though my days of sitting by the non-existent pool eating bon bons will be limited. I will still never be home! Now there will be more time for errands, carpooling, and activities! The other thing to consider is my sanity. I have posted several times about the tales of my days.... now they will be longer :) It will be crazy, but it just would not be my life if it wasn't. I LOVE every second of this crazy life! For example, my lovely little diva decided one day she wanted to be on TV...for those that know her (or me) know that is NOT surprising at all! here is how the conversation went.
M: Mom, I wanna be on TV (like on Shake it up, a dance show)
Me: Oh yeah, like an actress??
M: No, I just want to have like powers or something so I can go in there by myself
Me: Oh...don't get stuck! :)
Yep, i can just see it now. That little face making the "oh so serious" look shaking her booty. Then after a long day on the set...."mom, will you sit with me and snuggle?" Yep, I love it!

So the choice is made, the people are informed, and the word is now public. I, the bald woman, will be taking on the ultimate adventure...stay home mom!!! Wish me luck. By the way, stay home mom means CEO of Friends of the Bald Woman is my new full time job! Is that still stay home mom??? Oh well who cares, I am chasing a dream here. If I make FBW succeed, great! If we fail.....well we won't because as I said at the very beginning, "It is ALWAYS too early to quit!!!!!"

don't give up on that dream, just realize what it is first! :)

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