Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My son as you know thinks I should name this thing The Bald Woman so I thought I would tell a little story from yesterday about her....

"Once upon a time there was a mom who was trying to get some much needed rest. It was two in the morning when her 2 year old was having leg pains (growing again). She settled her down, rubbing her legs while her eyes nodded. They both drifted off into a deep, deep, deep, deep,.........NOPE, sorry stopped rubbing....Then 5:50am rolls around she must have slept for a few hours, but why doesn't it feel that way she wonders?? There it goes, Crying again with the legs...OK ...will keep rubbing with eyes closed (will keep her from waking up surely). Then the sound....that sound she has heard too many times before. It's the dog. He is making his oh too familiar sound of.......RUN, DRAG HIM TO THE BATHROOM AND SHUT THE DOORS. (Throw up is much easier to clean up from tile.) Great, today there is about 6 or 8 small piles. She heads to the kitchen to get some paper towels and cleaner....great no paper towels. She is kicking herself now for not taking the 10 minutes to run to the store the night before. She finds the napkins (about 20 left in the bag). As she listens to the sounds of whines from the two year old who is pissed she is not able to come in the puke filled bathroom, she thinks to herself....This is gonna be a great day!
The day moves on to breakfast after she has gaged a dozen times while cleaning up after the dog. Both kids are up at this point and ready to eat. After all they did just open their eyes and that means feed me now please!! She makes them breakfast or tries to. They want all the items that she is now out of. She has to make a store run this morning before the bus comes at noon. Finally after a what seemed like an eternity they settled on some breakfast. Ahhhh finally her time to get on the computer and check emails, facebook friends, and type on her oh so humorous blog! She goes and sits down in her chair and logs on........NOPE. Internet is down. After unplugging, shutting down, and even smacking it a few times there is still no dice. Wait she remembers she has a laptop and just because the computer is not working doesn't mean no wireless.....APPARENTLY IT DID. She decides at this point that the desk is an unorganized nightmare that she will tackle that instead. Two hours later and 100 interruptions later it is done. She feels like a good run on the treadmill will let out all of the mornings frustrations. Wait the kids are hungry again... and why wouldn't they be it is 10:50 and she was crazy if she thought she could sneak something in for herself before the normal lunch time of 11:30. Quickly she fixes them lunch and then off to let off some steam. walking down the hall past the door coming in from the garage she looks down to a sea of 50 marching little black ants!!!!! She seriously feels like she is gonna lose her mind. With the paper towels gone and the napkins now almost gone from the earlier puke fest she grabs the bleach and begins to tell the ants how she feels. After that fiasco is taken care of the run is miraculously squeezed in. She grabs her 1 minute shower, puts her son on the bus, and kisses her daughter because now.....She is off to work!"

Gotta love life!!! Weather it is the ciaos that happens in normal life or the ciaos that happens in cancer life remember one thing....We are lucky to have opened our eyes that day and lets hope that we are able to wake up and do it all again tomorrow! Have a great day everyone!

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