My wonderful little sister brought me a gift last night that I am so excited to wear next week. She made me a shirt that says "Bald is the new Blonde". It is pink (shocker my favorite color) and silver shiny letters (perfect also). I will wear it and post the picture next week at treatment!! Thanks again sister sister!!
Today hopes are high and energy is medium. I long for the day of matching my energy level to my output level. I managed to work from home for like 3 hours yesterday. Well if a wonderful quiet coffee shop with wifi counts as home. It was nice to begin the process of catching up on paperwork. Going back today to do the same. I feel I am beginning to catch up on lots of life things...trying to organize my life so to speak. I have been in survival mode lately. It is just trying to do basic functions. The last month overall has been very hard (to say the least). There were some serious blows to TEAM HOLLY, but....I feel I will come out on top no matter what. My favorite Sugarland song quote coming agian for you....."You may win this round but you can't keep me down...cuz I will stand back up."
Lots of boxing references in here, but I feel like I am going rounds with this thing. Maybe when this is over I will go learn how to box for real???? Do you think they are looking for a poster person???? (just kidding) I am not sure what I will do on the other side of this thing. I have recently been praying and thinking about what I will do. It has shaken life enough to not know what I want anymore....does this seem strange? I really felt I knew the path and now...I guess when the time is right the new road will reveal itself to me. There are many times in non-cancer life that we wonder...what am I supposed to do while I am here. With the right people put in our paths at just the right times...it is revealed. We still have to make the choices and go down the path. We are powerful and powerless over our lives at the same time.
Please feel free to laugh, cry, or get mad that I have this stupid disease...my personalities and I do them all the time. What I don't want however, is for people to feel sorry for me. Be thankful it is not you and then just laugh at my stupid attempts at humor. If you don't then I will pull the "I have cancer card" and then you will be sorry. (This card is useful to get out of housework, cooking, being late, forgetting things, and so on... fyi for people who have cancer for a bigger response just add a small cough at the end and the possiblities are endless!!!)
My son thinks I should change the name of the blog to the The Bald Woman...any thoughts???
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