Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chapter change

It's always too early to quit.
Norman Vincent Peale

No folks, I did not quit writing. I have just been revolving around a 6 year old's basketball schedule. Not to mention heading to ballet lessons, work, cleaning, and attempting to start a gym routine (yes selfish me wants to get healthy). I have thought about quitting but really I just enjoy it and this newly discovered hobby is what keeps me sane. (Yes I am sane most of the time)

I am moving towards the great chapter change and constantly second guessing myself and my choices. I have "officially" decided that I am going to stay home with my kids. I have been longing for this day since my first child was born 6 1/2 years ago. I have never been in a position to do this. (and I may not be yet, but life is TOO short to wonder) I am phasing myself slowly out of my job so the kids I work with will have little impact. I am sad to see this chapter go but am dealing with my overwhelming feelings of needing this. I have been fighting this choice and reasoning why I should not go but I know first hand that our time is limited and we should enjoy and the will come. There will never be enough money, never be enough time, and never enough "stuff".

Don't worry though my days of sitting by the non-existent pool eating bon bons will be limited. I will still never be home! Now there will be more time for errands, carpooling, and activities! The other thing to consider is my sanity. I have posted several times about the tales of my days.... now they will be longer :) It will be crazy, but it just would not be my life if it wasn't. I LOVE every second of this crazy life! For example, my lovely little diva decided one day she wanted to be on TV...for those that know her (or me) know that is NOT surprising at all! here is how the conversation went.
M: Mom, I wanna be on TV (like on Shake it up, a dance show)
Me: Oh yeah, like an actress??
M: No, I just want to have like powers or something so I can go in there by myself
Me: Oh...don't get stuck! :)
Yep, i can just see it now. That little face making the "oh so serious" look shaking her booty. Then after a long day on the set...."mom, will you sit with me and snuggle?" Yep, I love it!

So the choice is made, the people are informed, and the word is now public. I, the bald woman, will be taking on the ultimate adventure...stay home mom!!! Wish me luck. By the way, stay home mom means CEO of Friends of the Bald Woman is my new full time job! Is that still stay home mom??? Oh well who cares, I am chasing a dream here. If I make FBW succeed, great! If we fail.....well we won't because as I said at the very beginning, "It is ALWAYS too early to quit!!!!!"

don't give up on that dream, just realize what it is first! :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Take the Risk

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

I can't think of a more fitting quote today. I feel like I say that all the time! I am, as you may have read, struggling with some choices at the moment. (yes,...still the same choices) My post-cancer head and heart is telling me to do something that I feel at this time is a risk. It may very well be risk worth taking when I look back on this moment....just don't know.

I have finally made a decision that I have been going back and forth over for months. I can't tell you yet... sorry. The way I figure it is that we are here ONE time and we don't know for how long. How many times do we take the risk? I have taken the risk and won. I have also taken the risk and lost. Although each "loss" has brought me to a better place than I was before. If you can take the mindset of "loss" and change it to a "gain" you will never LOSE again! Why has it taken me so long to figure out what I have been telling others for a YEAR!!!? Why is our own advice the most difficult to take? (As the tootsie roll commercial says, "The world may never know")

Risk is only risk if you look at it like a win/lose situation. I really don't do that anymore. I take every loss and make it a learning experience, so I really have no reason to worry. I am, however, a person very afraid to fail. I hate to do things if I know the end result will be me failing. I am not living like that anymore. For some reason it took this long to figure that out, but out!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is one of the greatest children's books. Those are the only books I read at the moment, so now you know the competition is narrowed a bit. I picked up this book the other day because I love the story. I looked at it from a different perspective today.
The story is about a tree (the parent) and the boy. It shows the full circle of life that we go through in the parent/child relationship. Parents give so much to their children and ask for nothing except happiness in return. We sacrifice, we do without so they can have, and we would give every single thing we have to see them happy.

As a parent myself, I can fully relate to these and don't look forward to the day when my little loved ones grow up and leave me. I also see and appreciate what my parents have done for me. They did everything in this book too. They have seen my poor decisions, my triumphs, and my long periods of being gone. They sacrificed so I could have and they did without so I could have more. I know they would do it again in second too. I would.

What kind of world do you think this would be if we ALL gave more than we took? When I started this blog I was a social services industry worker trying to save the world one child at time. When I got cancer, this huge group of people rallied around me and decided they would carry me through this disease. I was unable to give, but still tried. They didn't care. They did it out love for my family. They changed the course of my life. I learned a lesson in receiving. It felt as if I was being handed strength each time someone did something for me. I got stronger and stronger until there was no way this disease or any for that matter could bring down my spirit. That attitude I had was fed by the giving of others. I know there are others out there suffering through this same fate. My mission is to feed them the strength they need to fight. You don't choose cancer it chooses you! What if we all thought about what WE would want for ourselves and loved ones if this happened??? Would you change anything that you are doing now?

There are many times when I am close to giving up trying to change the community or even world for that matter. Then, someone feeds me the strength I need to keep this going. Thank you to all of those who have responded and forwarded my email to everyone you know. I am so thankful and believe it or not have had some response. It really shows me that WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. Sometimes we just have to do it one person at a time. To see some of these things happening right in front of me....for someone who has so many words about things, I have none.

Parents everywhere today..... I thank you. I thank you for those unthanked days that you gave more than you had to see your child smile. To my own parents: Thank you will never cover what you have done to help me to be happy. With lots of love today I wish all the parents reading a HUGE THANKS!!! Pass on the thanks today! :) check out this book too if you haven't!

By the way, I received the best compliment I have ever received the other day. I was told that I was alot like my grandfather. This brought tears and pride when I read this. My grandfather passed away about a year and half ago, but that is not the reason for the tears. He was a wonderful man and I have actually spoke of him in another post (check like May??). His life was so full. He was full of life, love, and certainly happiness. He gave to his family just as the tree in the book. He gave right up until the day he passed. On his last day he gave me a gift and he received one too. He gave me a lasting memory that will never be erased. He didn't speak but listened for eight hours as dozens of people shared the stories of his life and the impact he had on them. He received his gift hours before he left this world. My gift was to see that we can make an impact while we are here not just the day that we leave. We just need to share with each other the impacts they have made. Wether it is a teacher, parent, family member, friend, or whomever give them the ultimate gift...knowledge that they have changed your life!

You have all changed mine! Thank you for reading, supporting FBW, and helping to bring change to the world. You have impacted my life and given me more reasons to give!!!! Have a wonderful day!! :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Balancing Act

More and more I see that life is the greatest balancing act. One tip in the wrong direction will send you flying. We are constantly trying to walk a line of balance. We often fall from it and then try and move ourselves back as quickly as we can. We don't like being off balance. I think we really internally want to balanced but do not always know where that line is. Much of what we do is trail and error to find that line. What I love the most is the uniqueness of our lines. Each of us draws our own line and decides where it is.

Think about it. We need to have pride in ourselves, but not too much. We want the line of confidence but not so much that we become arrogant. We want to become prosperous in our finances but what do we have to give up to be there. We want the perfect environment, but it is always too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. We want enough to eat but health often disagrees. We want our kids to be grateful but also want to give them everything we never had. We want to learn but don't always know how. We want to see the view from the top but often quit before we get there.

We can be a society of over indulgences and instant gratification. This may or may not be a problem for people, it depends on your own lines. To me, I am pushing my line over a bit. I am thankful for what I have instead of pining over what I don't. Just a day of reflections about what is important on my line!!! Where is yours?

Friday, January 7, 2011


Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.
Bill Cosby

What a wonderful quote of the day! I love this because this is my life right now. I have been wrestling with a big decision for some time now and each time I feel I have the answer I realize I really am not ready. I could not figure out why I was not's fear. I am more afraid of my choice and it's actions than I feel I need to do it. Well that stops now! I am done with fear!

Fear drives us. We base many choices on fear. It is time, at least for me, to move out fear. I am taking my life back. I am going to do what I have wanted to do, see the world, and worry less! We are here for an undetermined amount of time. That clock could run out today or 50 years from now. With the new year and new attitude I want to worry less and enjoy more.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Change the world

Today is like any other day. I get up before the sun, make lunches, make breakfast, make sure everyone knows what is happening for the day, make sure everyone has the correct items for school, and make the house look like a house (even if it's for a moment). I do this everyday and hope I can squeeze a few moments in for that big new year's resolution....marathon training.
At times I think I am crazy and I tend to take on too many projects, but I am just like every other mother in this world. I over commit, have too many unpaid jobs, and never enough time. I am just a mom, wife, and person trying to make others lives better! That is what we do as moms.
I have been thinking alot about a very large scale community project. This will take more time than I have to give and definitely more resources than I have. I decided to trust in a little luck, lot of hard work, and faith in good people. I am shocked that in less than one day the response is more than I expected. I usually have huge expectations of people. I feel like all people should care about others in need and all people should want to help others (because what if that was them in the situation??). The sad but true reality is that all people do not want to help. It could be for good or bad reasons, but all people are not going to see the huge need of things. This makes me disheartened at times, but in the last few days I have decided to take my own advice (I know, I know, but why is that so hard???) If I can change it then I will change it, and if not...well try something else. We can't expect to see a change if we ourselves don't make one.
I am in a new year and will have a new attitude. I can't change every single person in the world's opinion at the same time. I will, however, try one person at a time to make a change. No major changes have ever occurred in one day, have they??? When I was young my mom and dad told me that I could do anything I wanted if I put my mind to it. I used to think that was just something that parents said to try and get the best performance out of their children. I know now that I can. I have done things that I didn't believe I could do. I have changed a few attitudes that I did not think could change. I know that with the right attitude....well lets just say crazier things have happened. There are others that feel the same way. I know this because I have talked to a few of them. Now the key is to get all of these people together and we can make a difference in this world one person at a time!
I believe I can change the world. Do you???

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year with a new attitude

Well the buzz of the holiday season is now in the past. The decor is gone and organization mode is in full swing. I am now on a mission to not only organize my house but my mind too!! This is my new year's resolution. I hope it will last more than a week.
I have another resolution this year because I am such an "over-achiever"! I am going to run a full 26.2 mile marathon on June 25th. I have barely started training but have about 25 weeks to this...easy, right??! I have done a half marathon and it was tough, so I have to admit that I am a bit nervous! Oh well won't be the first or last time that I have attempted something very difficult. This race has HUGE significance for me too. It will be exactly 1 year and 1 day after my last chemo treatment! What a difference a year can make. One year you are pumping yourself full of toxic chemicals to kill things in your body. The next year, you are pumping Gatorade through your body to replace what has been lost on the run....crazy to do both really! :)
The new year brings me new mountains to climb, a new attitude, and a new opportunity to make this a memorable year.
I fully intend to make a mark this watch out world!