Friday, December 10, 2010

Best Christmas Pageant Ever

No holiday season would be complete without a preschool Christmas pageant. It is the highlight of my young child years. I only have a few of these left and I love them so much. These things are great because there is singing, dancing, acting, overacting, and no acting! There is always the kid that sings the song louder than everyone else slightly off key. There are the kids that say, "No that's not the right line". There are those who refuse to participate and those who you could not drag them out of the spotlight. Sounds a lot like adults doesn't it? We have have all of these personality types too!

Last nights program certainly did not disappoint. There were all of the typical preschool Christmas pageant kids. It was great. One of my favorites was the boy whose mom said "Hi" as he walked down the isles of the church. She was taking a picture of course and he looks at her so irritated and said, "MOM I gotta go now!" I also missed but heard about a great fight between two lovely little angels on the stage. It was broken up and only scowls were exchanged instead of tears. I am bummed I missed that one but I hear it's on tape.

Let's not forget my little angel....or diva whichever. When she first entered the stage area she had her typical fingers in her mouth. Then they did an angel dance and she was right at home on that stage. When the angels headed up the isle they all pretended to fly down the isles (great picture opp right?). Well after all of the others flew down the isle I kept looking for Miley. She was the last one. Ok no big deal, but I still could not see her. There was a long break in angels and it looked like that was it. I started to wonder where she was. Right about that time I see her in the foyer looking around at flowers, talking to one of the shepherds and just generally doing her own thing. One of the teachers realized she had not gone and grabbed her. She walked slow down the isle and when she saw me she stopped and smiled. When she finally made it to the stage to sing her songs she stood there with her hands folded in front of her and her head tilted to the side and smiled the whole time. Well that in between every minute or so waving saying, "hi mom, hi grandma, and hi deacon" (she couldn't see dad and grandpa videotaping on the sides) She belted her songs and did her actions that went along and did great.

Now you would think the funny part would all be from the preschoolers but I did take a 1st grader with me too! After the fifteen minutes of him asking me every 30 seconds if it was time to start, asking if I had gum, and when did we get to have the cookies, the show started. During the show I do have give him credit he was really good. Now when we hit the cookie table that is when the good must have ran out of gas. He and my daughter grab like 5 cookies and then say, "we want cake". They did not eat all of that if you are wondering. :)

The evening was wonderful and I could not have asked for a better show! I am so thankful that my wonderful kiddos give me such great stories to tell! It really was the Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

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