We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.
Herman Melville
We are all connected aren't we. We are each unique individuals that are intricately connected to each other. It still amazes me when I see this first hand. There are people I have met and become friends with, and had I not become friends with them the whole next series of events would not be the same. I would not have my kids, my husband, and many other things that I hold so dear right now. I have figured out that more I understand how this works, the less I really understand! I know this sounds like I am having another one of my "mental moments", but it is true. I just seem to get a hold on things and then....I am right back where I started. Maybe, we are not meant to understand??
Life is busy post-cancer just as it was pre-cancer (and even during cancer)! I think I am crazy some days for taking on so many things, but I know in my heart what I am trying to do is right. I was a 30 year old with cancer and many times I STILL feel as if I am the only cancer patient under 40! I know there are more out there and my hope is that they will find ME! Enough talks, website plugs, or exposure on the radio...they WILL find ME!
To all the people who have come and gone through my life, THANK YOU!
oh yeah....biggest news ever yesterday! Genetic results are in.......NEGATIVE ON ALL COUNTS!!!! (That means I do not have a genetic reason to have had cancer but better yet, MY KIDS do not either!)
That being said....I guess I was just LUCKY!!!!
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