Well the PINK PARTY was great. I had a chance to thank everyone who supported me throughout this journey! I had a great time and love every second of so many guys that never would wear pink...wearing pink. I showed off the pink toilet and even raised the Friends of the Bald Woman's first bank entry!!! The best part was seeing so many wonderful people come together and be so positive about something so.... fill in your own word there! We had pink drinks, pink food, and pink stuff everywhere. It was so fun you better save your shirts because I am going to do it again as an annual party. Friends of the Bald Woman has a scrapbook of anyone that donates and wants their picture in the book. The "Friends Flushing" will travel with the toilet. We may even put it on lawns and have people pay to get it off the yard!! Big plans ahead...the traveling toilet, the MOM PROM, breast cancer month is coming up too, and of course planning the next pink party (that will be held somewhere larger). Let's hope for a great first year!
Thank you again to each and every one of you who helped this journey to be more bearable. I know you will never know the difference you have made on my life but I am changed forever. It is your love and support that helped me and has now driven me to show that same feeling to as many others as possible. Nobody should have to do this alone!
Have a Pink-a-licious day!!!
49, by the way, is how many times I went and had some form of poison given to me to get better. If win after that...your never gonna take me out!
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