Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 1 Winner is: BALD WOMAN

Well day one of summer has come and gone...I am a little scared. It will be long one. There will be no relaxing by the pool (mostly because we don't have one) and no perfect little quiet summer. This summer will be anything but quiet. By glancing at the two of them you wouldn't know, but then the shrill that sends shivers up your spine is always only a second away. She has that screech for everything now. We can be in stores, at home, or in a library and it is the same. They argue about EVERYTHING and I am hoping it is only because they need lots of practice for their hugely successful law careers that will help me retire on a tropical island!!!!
It is even more humorous when I can hear them in the other room arguing and they don't know I can hear them.....

D, "I was playing with that"
D, "Yes I was"
M, "You are a Smart Alick (her new favorite word)"
D, "No, I'm telling on you right now"
M, "NO I am telling first"
D, "NO I am (getting louder at this point)"
M, "NOOOOOOO" (here comes the shriek)
D, "I am telling before you"
M, "No I am"
D and M in unison, "MMMMOOOOOMMMMMMM!"

This was at 8:30am of day 1.......anyone else scared??????
The wonderful day progressed with eye rolls, attempted escapes from me (the wicked queen) in the library, and No's flowing like water!!!! Some may wonder why I would want to do this, some may wonder if I will last, and some may think I am crazy.....I think, THERE IS NOWHERE ELSE I WOULD RATHER BE! (well maybe a tropical island with a Mai Tai and a massage)

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